Our work for Pets at Home's charity, Support Adoption For Pets, has won Best Social Media Campaign for 3 years running.
To support their bi-annual fundraisers, we run segmented ad campaigns that resonate with different types of pet owner. Last Christmas, we raised enough to feed over 2m rescue pets.
Each month we plan an editorial calendar for our clients, laying out what we're going to post on each channel and when. We'll make sure you're visible on the channels that matter.
We review our progress each month to assess what type of content is working best, so we can maximise engagement and growth.
Facebook Locations allows you to link up individual pages, and manage them as a group — meaning a more cohesive social presence, less headaches, and way more engagement.
Implementing Facebook Locations for Nauticalia, a national gift & clothing retailer, led to 600% more engagement and an impressive 71% organic increase in fans. So, if you have multiple physical stores, we'd be inclined to recommend it.
When NHS Smokefree Norfolk approached us to run a Facebook campaign to encourage more people to use their service, we opted for a two-phased approach. Phase 1 of the campaign was to engage successful quitters and source user-generated content from them, focusing on how they had quit smoking and how it had improved their lives.
For Phase 2 we turned this user content into our own images to start conversations and expand the campaign's reach to people looking to quit smoking. We increased Facebook engagement by 400% in less than 2 months, and, combined with our Google Ads campaign, increase conversions by 204%.
When people talk about you online, they don't always include you in the conversation. We use social media monitoring tools to stay in the loop — whether people are talking about your products, your competitors, or your industry as a whole.
This allows us to jump in to help, even if the customer hasn't been in touch directly — and it kind of makes your brand look like it has super powers.