Knowledge Hub

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4 mins

Optimising your eCommerce site: Getting your Marketing Strategy Right

You can have the best looking retail website in the world, but without a strong strategy to support it there’s no guarantee you’ll be seen above the noise of your competitors.

10 mins


What to expect from an SEO audit

Underlying SEO problems — from technical troubles to bad backlinks — can severely hinder your site’s organic search performance. We recommend an SEO audit to all businesses who join us as a digital...

1 mins


The Google Algorithm Timeline

Google constantly updates its algorithm to improve the results it delivers to its end users. Keep track of all of these updates with our timeline infographic.

8 mins

Must-have marketing tools

Our team of experts have put together their list of the best digital marketing tools that will save you time and help you achieve incredible results!

5 mins


BERT & ERNIE: Google’s big update, and what comes next

In November 2019, Google released a huge new update to its algorithm called BERT. But while it will have a big impact, we’re already looking ahead to what Google will do next.

5 mins

Content Marketing

5 email marketing trends for 2020

How do you get your emails opened, read and ultimately achieve that all important click through on your CTA? Here is an overview of 5 trends in email marketing to help you elevate your email strategy!

9 mins


5 digital marketing mistakes you're probably making (and how to fix them)

Thanks to bad or outdated advice, it's easy to make these digital marketing mistakes. Find out if you've made them and how you can reap the rewards by fixing them!

6 mins


Combining SEO & UX for ultimate search visibility in 2020

As Google gets smarter and smarter about understanding user intent and behaviour, your SEO efforts need to start incorporating UX design principles in order to dominate the search results.

3 mins


Dominating search in 2020 with featured snippets

Space in the search engines results pages (SERPs) is becoming particularly crowded in 2020. Featured snippets represent a fantastic way to improve your organic traffic and dominate the SERPs.

3 mins


What is a Selesti Masterclass?

How does a free digital marketing event with networking, guest speakers, and a host of digital experts sound? Well that's just what a Selesti Masterclass is!

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